In 2022, Mana Engineering spearheaded the launch of the SH2PDRIVE project, dedicated to advancing hydrogen technologies for ships. With 30 partners and €33 million in funding, SH2PDRIVE is driving innovation in maritime sustainability. This project empowers Mana Engineering to develop a modular hydrogen-power pack for offshore and shipping applications, providing a sustainable alternative to diesel-powered generators.

The Maritime Masterplan is a Dutch national growth fund proposal that aims to invest 450 million euros in the development, production and use of climate neutral ships. Mana Engineering has contributed to the writing process of this proposal for several shipping companies. In the summer of 2023 it was announced that this subsidy will be granted.

As the shipping industry gravitates to methanol as a potential pathway for decarbonization, we worry about sufficient feedstock for this upcoming demand. Determined to find a solution to this problem we partnered with African farmers to investigate the feasibility of using leftover corn stover as a feedstock for renewable methanol.

In collaboration with SDS Separations and TU Delft, Mana Engineering explores enhancing the conventional amine scrubbing process using SDS’s patented separation technique. This partnership has initiated research collaborations with leading universities, attracting interest from several industry partners for adopting this innovative technology